There are a lot of social media accounts around, and I'm sure you're wondering, why Snapchat? Why do I need to jump on Snapchat when Facebook and Instagram are working just fine. That's because Snapchat is currently leading in the video aspect of social media. Although Facebook and Instagram have jumped on the train with live videos, Snapchat still is a huge contender with it's video capabilities and filters. And as I've noted in prior modules, videos are the future, and the future is now. So you want to be utilizing a tool that's #1 aspect is the video recording/sharing, because it's going to help you start getting used to being on video and with it's functionalities, and understand what will be more successful with on demand videos. 

Snapchat makes it easy to build a platform on video marketing without the need to have expensive equipment, or the need to have the ability to edit video. It's a quick video done straight from your smartphone. The lack of editing capabilities also helps you to build a genuine relationship with your audience, which will go a lot further in our day and age, because it will stand out from every scripted aspect of our media. Now, Snapchat is and can be great, but it isn't as strong of a platform for agents as is Facebook, Instagram, and a blogging website. Which means, if you want to make Snapchat work for you, if you enjoy using it, it's going to require a lot more work than the other platforms. It's going to be a daily, consistent posting of short videos to grow a large following. It's going to be a consistent reminder for people to find you on other platforms to get in touch, where as with Facebook, you can easily have a conversation with a prospect. Now this isn't to discourage you from using it, just know that it's a totally different platform, and needs to be worked in a different method.

You still need to invest daily time into other social media posts, but those can be easier with a simple photo post. Where as with Snapchat, you'll be consistently having to do videos. If you are not camera shy, and like doing video, this resource is perfect for you. A large portion of the millennial crowd utilizes the app, and millennials are taking over the real estate industry a little at a time, and if you are where they are, and can build a large follower base in that arena, you'll have an upper hand in winning over business through the up and coming generation in our industry.

Don't give up Facebook and Instagram, but start getting used to using Snapchat. Even if Snapchat ends up going out the door quickly, it is still the step towards a video filled future. 



Your social image on your Snapchat profile is a compilation of 4 images that are fast moving to create a GIF. I would highly recommend you make this short video fun and vibrant, and showcases an aspect of you being in the real estate industry with either a sign, in front of a house, etc.


Your snapcode is the yellow square around your profile image with the dots around it. It is unique to your profile and is used for helping others find you on Snapchat. You may see snapcodes being used on marketing, almost like bar codes, and you capture an image of the code in order to find the person you want to follow on Snapchat.


Make sure your username is consistent with your brand name so it makes it easier for followers to find you by name on this platform. You're limited to only a few characters, so get it as close as possible.

We'll jump into creating your first snap video and sending it to your followers to get business in the upcoming marketing modules ahead!