Marketing Incentives


Need some incentives to share with clients to get them to use you?
Check out some of the most popular incentives found within our industry.

LRE Social
  • Offer home warranty if buyer works with you.

  • Donate to a local charity (or popular charity) in client's name when they choose to buy or sell with you.

  • Provide a pet adoption incentive. I.E. you'll pay for their adoption fee to get a new fur family member when they purchase a home.

  • Offer food. This may sound silly, but you'd be surprised how an incentive to host a pizza party if someone buys/sells with you can get far in regards to marketing.

  • Use more common things. I.e. professional videos, professional photography, drone footage, etc.

  • Security System for home buyers.

  • First year of flood insurance, if it is required for the property.

  • Percentage back at closing. This seems to be common as an incentive to service men and women. I.e. military, police, firefighters, etc.

  • Free Home Cleaning. This can be great for both buyers and sellers. It'd be perfect for sellers to get their home prepped, or for buyers to move into a place that feels spotless and fresh.

  • Pay for a Home Inspection. The pricing can vary for this based on the size of the home, but can be a great incentive for buyers.

  • House Painting - you can offer to have the whole house painted, or certain rooms. Make sure you're familiar with costs in your market - painting a home is NOT cheap. 

  • Appliances. Often times, most commonly in new builds, an appliance may not be a part of the package deal. Or a house may have an outdated fridge/oven, etc. You can offer to purchase a new fridge or oven if a buyer works with you.

  • Termite Inspection - most loans require a termite inspection. It's a great incentive to offer that isn't a lot of money upfront. Generally ranging from around $25-$50.


Incentives can be tricky from one market to another, be sure to verify with your broker before you launch an ad campaign
for a particular incentive, so you don't run into any issues.