LRE Chat Bot

The best virtual expert you need to guide you through your real estate business - right in your email. Utilize the LRE Chat Bot program to get responses for your most pressing real estate questions & content requests.

Our LRE Chat is in (Beta) mode with a cut-off of real estate market data from 2021. To get up to date market reports and data, utilize our LRE Chat through the Text format. Our LRE Chat Bot works exactly like Chat GPT and provides your real estate agents the following strategies:

  • Create social media captions.

  • Write real estate and home related blogs and newsletters.

  • Write your scripts or professional responses to leads.

  • Create lead generation strategies and coaching through social media.

  • Write listing descriptions.

  • Give you marketing and business building ideas.

  • Answer questions from clients, “What is the best flooring option for a kitchen?”

  • And anything and everything else you can think of.

IMPORTANT: This chat bot has a cut off from 2021, utilize the LRE Chat text bot for up to date market data and information.