Let's jump off Facebook for a moment and get you started with your Instagram page. Instagram is my #2 preference to work with when it comes to getting leads. Future modules will discuss sources like Pinterest, Snapchat, etc. But those platforms are strongly suited for branding purposes. Although I have snagged a few leads off other social platforms, Facebook and Instagram are the top contenders, and bring me a consistent stream of leads.
PROFILE PHOTO - If you're building a brand around you, you'll want a headshot as your profile photo. If you have a more stealth brand, that doesn't make you the center focus, then make your logo your profile image.
BUSINESS PAGE NAME - I hear often if an Instagram page should be named something different. Not at all! You want your brand name to be consistent. So if your brand is "Explore Malibu" then make it the same, or if your brand is your name, make it your name. Consistency on all platforms is important. You want your brand name to stick out and be remembered.
YOUR BIO: Don't make your bio a bore! You don't get many chances to connect with your audience verbally, so make your bio count! Show personality and character. Don't be afraid to add emojis. And be sure to have a call to action, to either follow your page, or visit your website.
YOUR LINK: Make your link lead to a landing page or your website. If you don't have a website, put the link to your Facebook business page so you can have them follow you on there too.
Obviously in your case, it will be local buyers and sellers. But be sure that your page has a focus on the niche you have chosen. Will there be a focus on animal related topics? Luxury topics? Topics for moms and/or women? Find your niche and make sure you make some of your posts touch up on this niche to help you draw the right audience.
When it comes to your brand, is your sole focus you or your city? Although these two can intermingle, you need to figure out if most of your posts are going to be about you and the lifestyle you lead, or if your feed will have a main focus on local things. Because these two will draw a different type of audience, so you'll want to be consistent on what your feed is going to really provide your followers. Will it be a fun look into your life and help you build a personal relationship with your followers as they see what you do as an agent. Or will the feed be a little more impersonal with a main focus on your city and local restaurants, parks, etc. Pick which direction you want to go, and stay consistent with it.
If you're wondering if you should go personal or business with your page, I always recommend doing business with personality. Don't make your page stuffy, it won't work in today's generation of marketing, and it definitely won't work with the audience on Instagram. Make it about your business, let people know you're in real estate, but add character to your page so it doesn't seem like a page dedicated to spamming people.
Your brand is important and takes time to plan and develop. Instagram is part of that brand. Take the time to get quality images worth sharing. Use natural daylight for your photos if you don't have any professional lighting. Smart phones have good enough cameras to suit Instagram, but if you can afford it, I would upgrade to getting a 4K handheld. Pay attention to capturing the best angles. And make sure most, if not all, are the photos are your own. If you're using photos online that belong to others, your audience will catch on, and lose interest due to lack of creativity. Plan out your photos as you would any other aspect of your brand and make sure it has a consistency to the feel.
When people take the time to respond to your posts, take the opportunity to respond back. And don't make your response a sales pitch, have a geniune response to their statement as you would anyone else. If someone spams your posts, you can delete it and block them.
And to wrap it up, how many times should you post on your page? My magic number has always been 3. 1 in the morning, 1 in the afternoon, 1 in the evening. If you don't do it 3 times every day, that's okay, just make sure it's done at least daily!