Real Estate has to be one of the most bipolar industries to be an entrepreneur in. One week you are full to the brim with work, without a moment to eat or sleep. The next week, crickets may be chirping in your business. It's in those busy times that we let the marketing for our business fall to the way side, and that's why we hit these cricket moments. Not that having a nice little break hurts, but forgetting to keep up with marketing can hurt the bank account if you aren't getting business.
If you intend to make social media your number 1 source of income for your real estate business, one thing you need to avoid doing, that many other agents do, is not keeping your page active. Most real estate pages go "dead" within a couple of months because it gets thrown to the side when times get busy. But this should be avoided completely if you want a steady stream of business.
This is where you'll want to come in and automate your postings on Facebook so your page constantly remains active, even if you aren't on it at the time. Fortunately for us, Facebook gives us the opportunity to automate our posts directly from our business pages for free. It's important to utilize this tool on days you are free. Create posts for the next 2-4 weeks, and have them set to run a couple of times a week. You want enough space between these posts to be able to post unique things that may come up on random days you don't have an automated posting, but keep your page busy enough, that if you are swamped that week, you are still keeping your audience engaged. I recommend making only 2 automated postings per week. Let the rest of the days be for things that come up along the way.
Make your posts set to publish between the hours of 5 - 8 P.M. for the best engagement results. We'll walk you through the process below on getting automated posts set up.