Real Estate AI Art (Beta)

Need a specific style of stock photo you can’t find online? Let our AI art generator create what you’re looking for. The more specific you are with your prompts, the more accurate the photo we can provide.

(We are testing a beta version of this for real estate agents to see usage value. Wait times can vary based on volume of requests.)

Prompt Examples:

  1. luxury home, white couch, light walls, window, couch, fireplace, elegant, coffee table, simple, modern, black chairs

  2. elegant woman sitting at desk, home office, realtor, pink dress, computer, window, office table, desk, books, flower vase, professional, smiling, bright eyes

  3. home buyer, buyer, shaking hands, house, house exterior, realtor, bright, modern home, beautiful, smiling, closing, woman realtor, family, dog